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The Mourning Beauty

While drinking my coffee this beautiful snowy day, I continue to mourn over my loss and suddenly I am reminded of a miraculous woman, who quite possibly mourned with more greatness than I. The woman I am speaking of is the Virgin Mary and the loss she was mourning was that of her son Jesus.

While my pain runs deep and my heart continues to break this morning, I am reminded by the Lord that I am not alone, that many have suffered and are suffering, I am brought to the vision of the incredible loss Mary suffered and how she stood there watching her only child be beaten and spit upon, hung upon a cross with nails embedded in his hands and feet, thorns forced into the crown of his head and horrific words projected towards him all the while. Mary with tears streaming down her face and intensified anguish in her heart, stood their watching until her son took his last breath.

Mary did more than mourn the loss of her child, she endured the painful viewing of her child being put to death because of the evils in this world.

Today while I sit looking at the pictures of my husband on our coffee table and cry once more, I look up at my tree and I am reminded that Christmas is near and this beautiful child who gave his life for ours, while his mother was burdened to watch, was born, and this is the time to celebrate him and be thankful for what we have been given.

I am grateful for my beautiful children and I am grateful for my loved ones and friends, I am hopeful for better days and brighter moments in time. I know you took my husband home Lord, and I wonder for what purpose this was? I know you will tell me in time, but for now, I will hold onto the magical words my sweet boy Brendan told me on the day we lost his dad, “He’s up there making a new home for all of us mom, you know dad always likes to be prepared.”

JOHN 14:2 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

I am sorry for your loss Mary, I thank you for your strength that I may follow in your path and find my own strength until that day when he returns for me.

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