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Kristie Lynn Nelson

It is not every day that you wake up and find that you must learn to fight all of life’s battles on your own. It is, however, always a glorious gift the lord provides us, to be able to take the life we have been blessed with and make it our own. We can choose to give up and give in to the grief-stricken moments, or we can stand up, stand strong and take back what is left of our life and start it over. We can choose to work hard and chase all of our dreams and make our life exactly what we want it to be if we just first learn to believe and have faith in the lord.

You see with hard work and determination you can succeed and make all of your hopes and dreams a reality. You must first decide not to despise your past but to learn from it and be stronger because of it. Through faith in the lord and an undeniable willpower we can all be Warriors:

She awoke to a darkness, an abyss filled with pain and with one unexpected phone call she would never live life the same.

As she heard the words spoken, she became frantic and screamed and she knew at that moment, her worst nightmare had gleamed.

She stood in the doorway, gazed at the terror in her sight and walked to his bedside filled with anguish and fright. Leaning over the bed with tears in her eyes, she kissed his warm cheek and said her final goodbyes.

With pain in her heart and a heavy sigh, she held onto her boys while they prayed, and they cried. The lord now had his soul with him, they left the room, and the lights went dim.

Each day she woke up to the morning light and each evening she slept throughout the night, with nightmares abound and she wondered how she would ever again feel safe and sound. She could not see the end in sight.

She works hard every day to fulfill her life dreams and make each moment matter, she is determined not to stop and to keep climbing that ladder.

She is walking in faith through the lords’ rays of light, this woman is me and I am a Warrior in flight!

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